17 PlayFun Apps

學妹艦隊-最も可愛い女子艦隊 1.0.2
17 PlayFun
【遊戲介紹】最“二次元”卡牌手游《學妹艦隊-最も可愛い女子艦隊》攜兩百多位萌娘強勢出擊了!原版人氣艦娘:島風、金剛、赤城、夕立……眾多蘿莉、禦姐、傲嬌、三無、腹黑、呆萌…哪一種才是您的菜?您又願意娶哪位為妻?或發展自己的后宮艦隊?著名聲優傾情打造,『真人』配音,激情四射的劇情,宏偉的二次海戰,帶您體驗不一樣的島國動作大片,只等您來戰~!豐富的艦娘養成法,改造、二改、核心、培養、軍銜樣樣不能少,我的艦娘我做主,盡情鞭撻吧!新奇的遠征任務:『演習』、『奪寶』、『港口警戒』、『海域攻占』、『世界海戰』、『艦隊』,更有真實還原的歷史著名戰役,邀您一起嗨翻天!各位騷年,各位提督們,快把您心愛的艦娘領回家吧!-------------------------------------------------- -【主要特色】『艦娘收集』:200多張艦娘卡牌和圖鑑系統可大大滿足各位提督的收集欲!『組合技能』:大量艦娘組合技,擁有強悍的殺傷力,華麗的打擊特效,帶給您極致的視覺體驗!『舾装養成』:遊戲中有4種舾装:主砲、載機、機槍、勳章,強大的舾装能讓我方艦娘們能力大幅提高!另有魚雷和電探兩種寶物,為您的艦娘保駕護航!『世界海戰』:挑戰世界各地強力艦娘,拿極品舾装!世界海戰是遊戲中獲得極品舾装的最主要途徑,提督和艦娘們合作打倒世界各地強大的敵手即可獲得星數,達到一定星數即可獲得獎勵。『艦娘戰鬥』:立體豐富的多重PVE副本玩法、立體的PVP競技征戰讓您大呼過癮!『超多福利』:前7天狂送大量福利給所有玩家,登陸福利、戰鬥福利、沖級福利、成就福利,您來我就送!-------------------------------------------------- -『友情提醒』建議玩家使用1G及以上RAM(內存)的設備體驗遊戲,避免出現卡頓、閃退等現象。工作人員正在積極優化內存,改進體驗!敬請諒解!若您有遇到卡頓或閃退問題,請及時與我們的客服聯繫,感謝!-------------------------------------------------- -「學妹艦隊-最も可愛い女子艦隊」的粉絲專區-想收到最新消息,請到我們的Facebook點讚,或是加入隊長們的交友區官方Facebook粉絲團:https://www.facebook.com/colle.tw官方Facebook Group:https://www.facebook.com/groups/1533366810291246/微信:qumorefun_dmrj-------------我們非常樂意為您解決遊戲中遇到的任何問題,請及時聯繫我們的官方Facebook專頁或Email!Email:[email protected]服務時間:24小時全年無休【Game description】    Most "second element" card hand tour"school girl fleet - the most mo lovely woman い fleet" to carrymore than two hundred Meng strong attack of Mother!    Original Popular Mother Ship: Island Wind,King Kong, Akagi, Xi Li ...... many Lolita, royal sister,playfully, three no, black belly, stay Meng ... which is your food?Which of your wife and marry? Or develop their own haremfleet?    DEDECATES famous seiyuu, "Live" dubbing,passionate story, magnificent second naval battle with you toexperience a different island action blockbuster, just waiting foryou to fight ~!    Mother develop rich ship method, thetransformation, the second change, core, culture, everything cannot be less rank, I am the master of the mother ship, enjoycastigate it!    New Crusade tasks: "exercise," "Indiana,""port alert", "captured the waters", "Battle of the world", "fleet"more true to the history of the famous battle, together invite youLOL!In Sao everybody, you viceroy who is driving your beloved Mothership brought home now!-------------------------------------------------- -[Main Features]"Mother Ship collection": Mother ship more than 200 illustrations and card systems cangreatly satisfy you want to collect Admiral!"Combination of skills":Mother ship a lot of combos, has a powerful lethal, gorgeousspecial effects hit, gives you the ultimate visualexperience!"Outfitting develop":The game has four kinds of outfitting: guns, carrier aircraft,machine guns, medals, strong bitch ship outfitting our ability tomake a substantial increase! Another electric torpedoes and exploretwo kinds of treasures for your Mother ship escort!"World Battle":Mother Ship strong challenge around the world, get the best outfit!The world's most important naval battle is the best way to get thegame outfitting, and ship Admiral bitch down with a powerfuladversary cooperation around the world can get the number of stars,a certain number of stars to get a reward."Mother ship battle":Rich three-dimensional multi-PVE copy of the play,three-dimensional PVP athletics campaign allows you hooked!"Super Duo Fuli":Last 7 days Kuangsong lot of benefits to all players, landingwelfare, welfare fighting, leveling welfare, welfare achievements,you come I'll buy!-------------------------------------------------- -"Friendly reminder"Players are advised to use 1G or above RAM (memory) devices toexperience the game to avoid Caton, flash back and so on. Staff areactively optimize memory, improved experience! beg to beexcused!If you are experiencing flash back Caton or problems, pleasecontact our customer service, thanks!-------------------------------------------------- -"School girl fleet - the most mo lovely woman い fleet" fan zone -the latest news, please go to our Facebook thumbs up, or join theirfriends district captainThe official Facebook fan group: https://www.facebook.com/colle.twOfficial Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1533366810291246/Micro letter: qumorefun_dmrj-------------We are very happy to help you solve any problems encountered inthe game, please contact our official Facebook page or Email!Email: [email protected]: 24/7
斩魄羁绊-完全卍解 守护尸魂界! 1.0.2
17 PlayFun
2016年全新即时卡牌策略手游巨作《斩魄羁绊》火爆来袭!100%高度剧情还原!无论是熟悉的尸魂界,还是熟悉的虚圈,死神的世界等你来主宰!最新颖的卡牌玩法!掌中微操,指尖大招!最多元的卡牌养成!首创[符文洗炼]系统,卡牌的成长方向由你说了算!快来成为死神代理吧!【精致细腻卡牌画风】无论是威武帅气的黑崎一护,还是单纯可爱的井上织姬,在《斩魄羁绊》中都被完美还原!每张卡牌形象全部由顶级美术亲自操刀,100%还原角色本身,让你重温经典动漫巨作。【最in卡牌游戏玩法】即时战斗模式让你玩转《斩魄羁绊》,卡牌大招完全由玩家自由掌控。免疫、加血,控制?全部由你说了算!不同的技能释放顺序,往往能改变一场战斗的结果。以弱胜强,以少胜多,尽显策略之风!【多元卡牌养成系统】《斩魄羁绊》首创符文养成系统,符文洗炼、装备、技能、战甲系统、连携伙伴5大养成路线打造最强王者!凭借独到的眼光,你可以养成完全不一样的卡牌,成就专属至高荣誉!每一张卡牌都有专属于自己的特点,每一次的收集都能使你怦然心动!【超多组合任君选择】数百张精美卡牌,近千种技能搭配,多元化的卡牌组合让你根据对手的阵容特点,有针对性地配置阵容战胜对方。没有最好的阵容,只有更好的阵容。也许你可以发现一个新的超级组合,引领风骚,但也需要提防别人后来居上!【战斗特效华丽夺目】战斗特效哪家强?打开手机找死神!《斩魄羁绊》中每张卡牌的技能特效都是独一无二的,全面展现卡牌的技能。气势磅礴的战斗画面,美轮美奂的特效展示;熟悉的月牙天冲,双天归盾,雷王拳,恶魔左臂,光之雨,五大必杀技的绚丽特效绝对秒杀市面同类卡牌对战画面。【众多福利为你集结】1.游戏内为所有玩家都准备了丰厚的奖励!代表游戏中卡牌品阶巅峰的红卡友哈巴赫来就送!对,你没有看错,来就送!2.游戏还为玩家准备了包括卡牌经验、游戏金币、符文经验、宝物经验等在内的福利副本,每天都有免费福利任你刷!3.每日登录,7天福利,豪礼拿到手软,顶级神卡[山本总队长],[蓝染惣右介],经典人物等你来拿!4.开服活动、成就、每日福利、vip福利、在线奖励、活跃奖励等众多系统,只为你打造一个轻松游戏环境,屌丝一样可以成为死神!【联系我们】「斩魄羁绊」的粉丝专区-想收到最新消息,请到我们的Facebook点赞,或是加入死神代理们的交友区官方Facebook粉丝团:https://www.facebook.com/bleach.ol/2016 newreal-timestrategy card hand tour masterpiece "cut soul fetters" hotstrikes!100% reduction of the height of the story! Whether familiarSoulSociety, or a familiar virtual ring, death in the world waitingforyou to dominate! The most innovative card play!Micromanagementhands, fingers big move! Most diverse card develop!First [Runepurification of] system, the growth direction of thecard you'retalking! Come and become agents of death it![Delicate] card style      Whether it is mightyhandsomeKurosaki Ichigo, or simply lovely Orihime Inoue, in "soulcut bond"are in perfect reduction! Each card brand image allpersonallypenned by top art, 100% reduction of the role itself, soyou canrelive the classic animation masterpiece.[Card game played in most]      Real-time combat mode letsyouFun "cut soul fetters" card big move completely freelycontrolledby the player. Immunization, blood, control? All thefinal say toyou! Different skills to release the order, often abattle tochange the results. David and Goliath, to win with fewer,fillingthe air Strategies![Multiple System] to develop card      "Cut soul fetters" firstRunedevelop systems, purification of Rune, equipment, skills,armor,but even carrying five partners to develop routes to createthemost powerful king! With a unique vision, you can developacompletely different cards, the highest honor theachievementsExclusive! Each card has a post of their owncharacteristics, eachcollection can make your eyebrows![] Over many combinations to choose from      Hundreds of beautifulcards,nearly a thousand kinds of skills mix, diversified portfolioallowsyou cards based on the characteristics of the opponent'slineup,targeted to configure lineup victory over the other. Not thebestline-up, only better lineup. Maybe you can find a newsupercombination, pioneering, but also need to beware of the otherscomefrom behind![Fight] gorgeous eye-catching special effects      Which strong fightingeffects?Open the phone looking for death! "Fetters cut soul" ineach cardspecial effects skills are unique, the full cardskills.Magnificent battle screen, magnificent special effectsdisplay; thefamiliar crescent Uranus, double days go shield, LeiWang Quan, thedevil left arm, a light rain, the effects of the fiveabsolutespike gorgeous nirvana similar card market brandcompetitionscreen.[Build] a number of benefits for you1. Inside games prepared a rich reward for all the players!Onbehalf of the game card product order peak red card to sendfriendsHaba He! Yes, you read right to send!2. The game also prepared a welfare card including a copy oftheexperience, the game coins, Rune experience, experience andothertreasures, including the players, complimentary daily Amenityanyof you brush!3. Daily Log, 7 days a welfare, House ceremony to get soft, thetopcard of God [Yamamoto commander], [Sōsuke Aizen], and otherclassiccharacters for you to come!4. open service activities, achievements, daily welfare,vipwelfare, online rewards, incentives and other active systems,onlyfor you to create a relaxed gaming environment, as the Cockwirecan become death!【contact us】    "Cut soul fetters" fan zone - thelatestnews, please go to our Facebook thumbs up or join theirfriendsdistrict agent of deathThe official Facebook fan group:https://www.facebook.com/bleach.ol/